
When we hear about the homeless, most of us think of the poor countries. However, it's wrong. The _______ is that the homeless can be found everywhere. For example, we can see many people living on the streets in a _______ country like Germany. Kurt Muller and his wife Rita have spent eleven years making _______ for the homeless of Berlin, Germany's capital. They first _______ in a long and hot summer. They made lots of sandwiches for the homeless when most Germans were _______ on holiday. However, the Mullers soon realized that food wasn't _______. What these people also need is warmth (10分)有下列八种物质:①氯化钡、②金刚石、③硫、④二氧化硅、⑤氯化钠、⑥干冰回答有关这六种物质的问题。(1)将这六种物质按不同晶体类型分成三组,并用编号填写下表:各组中物质的编号   晶体类型分子晶体原子晶体离子晶体其中以共价键相结合,原子彼此间形成空间网状结构的化合物是          (填编号)。晶体内存在单个分子的化合物是       (填编号)。
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