
As the internet and digital (电子的) technology become a bigger part of our lives, more of our data becomes publicly accessible (易接近的), leading to questions about privacy (隐私). So, how do we get along with the growing digital world without compromising (妥协) the security of our information and our right to privacy?Who uses our data (数据) and why?In the past, it was easy for people to keep track (跟踪) of their personal information. People’s information existed (存在) mostly in physical form: on paper, kept in a folder, locked in a cupboard or an office. Today, our pe同学们以盖房子的方式总结出了如下物质间的关系.A、B、C均为纯净物,且上、下相邻的物质间均可发生反应.回答下列问题.(1)若B是氧气,A是最理想的清洁燃料,则A与B反应的化学方程式为    .(2)若B是氧气,B与C的反应现象为红色固体逐渐变成黑色,则C是    .(3)若B是一氧化碳,B与C的反应可用于高炉炼铁,则该反应的化学方程式为    ,高炉炼铁得到的是    (填“生铁”或“纯铁”).
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