
The current Ebola (埃博拉病毒) outbreak in western and central Africa has infected at least 3,069 people, including 1,552 dead, making it the largest outbreak in history. Ebola is a deadly virus —about 60 percent of people infected with it have died. How is Ebola doing its harm? When a person becomes infected with Ebola, the virus damages the body’s immune (免疫的) cells, which defend against infection, said a researcher at Lancaster University. But if a person’s immune system can stand up to this attack, then he is more likely to survive the disease. The patients that sur下列实验现象与对应结论均正确的是选项操作现象结论A常温下将Cu片放入浓H2SO4中生成刺激性气味气体Cu与浓H2SO4反应生成SO2BAl2(SO4)3溶液中滴加过量氢氧化钡溶液生成白色沉淀Al(OH)3不溶于氢氧化钡溶液C向某溶液中加入KSCN溶液,再向溶液中加入新制氯水溶液先不显红色,加入氯水后变红色该溶液中含有Fe2+D向某溶液中加入CCl4,振荡后静置液体分层,下层呈紫红色该溶液中存在I- 
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