
阅读理解You may hear about 12 people who have walked on the moon. Of the outstanding astronauts listed below, who do you think was the most influential in Humans' history?Neil Armstrong (Space Flight: Apollo 11; Time on Moon: 21h 31m 20s)Armstrong's biggest moment came in 1969, when he was chosen for NASA's first manned lunar mission (任务). On July 21, 1969, he set foot on the surface of the moon, which made him the first human to do so. After returning, Armstrong became an international icon(偶像) and was honored worldwide. His words also impressed the world.Pete Conrad (Space Flight2010年1月15日傍晚,福州市上空出现“带食日落”的日环食奇观,如图所示,一轮“金钩”状的太阳十分壮丽。这个现象的形成是由于(   )A.光的直线传播B.光的反射 C.光的折射D.光的色散
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