
踢足球时脚对足球施加力的同时,脚也感到痛。这一现象说明物体间力的作用是_________的,使脚感到痛的力的施力物体是_________。 答案:【答案】 相互 球【解析】物体间力的作用是相互的,当脚对足球施力时,足球同时对脚施力,因此,脚会感到痛,使脚感到痛的力的施力物体是球。任务型阅读People in many places celebrate Christmas on December 25.In the USA, Christmas is a long holiday. Shops are usually not open on Christmas Day. And family members have a party together. There are usually Christmas Trees in houses, and children can find presents from their parents in the trees. In many places, children put a stocking(长筒袜)on the bed, because they think Father Christmas will put nice presents in the stocking at night.Things are different in China. The Chinese don’t have a holiday at Christmas. Shops are open and there are usually Christmas sales(促销) in many shops. There are no family parties, but there are parties for young people in nightclubs and hotels. There are no stories about Father Christmas or presents in stockings. But young lovers(恋人) give each other presents.根据短文内容,完成下列表格(每格只能填一个词)。Different ways to celebrate ChristmasTime1. ____________________ 25 2. to celebrate ChristmasIn the USAIn ChinaIt’s an important holiday and shops are usually closed.Shops are3. There are 4. parties at home.There are parties in nightclubsand big hotels.Children get presents. They think Father Christmas will put presents in their stockings at night.Young lovers buy 5.for each other
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