
When thinking of ways to relax in life, usually things like yoga, jogging and music come to mind. These are great, to be sure. But getting a friend can also have many benefits. While human friends provide great social support, furry friends like cats and dogs can come with some great benefits. Pets can improve people's mood. For those who love animals, it's actually impossible to stay in a bad mood when a pair of loving puppy eyes meets yours, or when a super-soft cat rubs up against your hand. The study found that people with AIDS were less likely to suffer from deep sadness if they owned a p下列实验、现象与结论正确且相符的是( )实验现象结论A向盛有H2O2溶液的试管中加入几滴酸化的硫酸亚铁溶液溶液变成棕黄色,一段时间后,溶液中出现气泡,随后有红褐色沉淀生成Fe2+催化H2O2分解产生O2;H2O2分解反应放热,促进Fe3+的水解平衡正向移动B将充满NO2的密闭玻璃球浸泡在热水中红棕色变深反应:2NO2 (g) N2O4(g)ΔH<0CSO2通入新制氯水溶液褪色SO2具有漂白性D向2支盛有2mL相同浓度硝酸银溶液的试管中,分别加入2滴相同浓度的NaCl和NaI溶液一支无明显现象,另一支产生黄色沉淀相同条件下,AgI比AgCl的溶解度大A. AB. BC. CD. D
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