
Grand Canyon National ParkGrand Canyon National Park is located entirely in northern Arizona, which takes up 277 miles of the Colorado River and nearby uplands. It became a National Park on Feb 26, 1919 and was made a World Heritage Site in 1979.Grand Canyon Hotels, Lodging and CampingThe South Rim (边缘) has quite a collection of lodges and hotels in the Park and there is also a large campground at the Mather Campground (open year-round) and the Desert View Campground, (open from mid-May through mid-October). In the town of Tusayan, just outside the south entrance station, are the Grand Can关于欧洲西部旅游景点的说法,正确的是(  )A.英国的峡湾风光引人入胜B.伦敦的艾菲尔铁塔令人景仰C.南部地中海沿岸国家的海滨沙滩优美宜人D.芬兰的花卉尤其是郁金香闻名世界
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