
As junior middle school students, you must have learned the word “knock”. 【1】 For example,you knock on a door when you want to enter someone’s house. But did you know that when you want good luck, you should knock on wood?Knocking on wood is something we either do or say (or both) to bring good luck. This custom may come from ancient times. 【2】 Even if they don't believe it to be true, many Americans say “Knock on wood!” to mean “ Wish me good luck!”“To knock around” is to walk around without a clear purpose. 【3】 And it was not a waste of time. So don't knock me下表是某同学在25℃和10℃条件下,分别用50粒小麦种子测定发芽的实验结果,请你据表回答下列问题:培养时间/d发芽数(25℃)发芽数(10℃)1002703150433254886482174847(1)请你在上面的坐标中绘出小麦种子发芽情况的曲线(25℃时用实线表示,10℃时用虚线表示).(2)该实验说明:在25℃(常温)条件下,种子的发芽较______,而在10℃(低温)条件下,种子发芽较______.(3)25℃(常温)和10℃(低温)条件下小麦种子的发芽率分别为______.(4)分析上述实验结果可知,相对25℃(常温)条件来说,种子在10℃(低温)条件下发芽率的情况是:______.
英语 试题推荐