
If you're traveling to the United States,you need to understand the common way to say hello-a handshake. Friends shake hands. Women,men and even children can shake hands.Shaking hands also seems simple,but there are some important things to remember. When you shake hands,you must look into the other person's eyes the whole time you're shaking hands.Shake hands strongly. If you give a weak handshake,the other person might think that you're not kind. He / She might also feel that you don't like him / her or you don't want to touch him / her. Shake hands with men and women the same wa下列说法正确是(  ) A、发光二极管具有放大和发光作用B、火灾报警器是利用烟雾对光的反射来工作的C、法拉第首先提出了电场线模型来描述电场D、奥斯特发现了电流的热效应
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