
If you’ve ever been on a fishing boat, you’ve probably seen crowds of birds following it, hoping to catch a snack. Now scientists use those birds’ behavior to track illegal fishing boats.Researchers attached data loggers to the backs of 169 albatrosses (信天翁) in Indian oceans. Weighing only 42 grams, the devices included a GPS, which enabled them to detect the presence and intensity of radar signals emitting from boats. That information was then sent by satellite, so the researchers could track the location of the birds—and thus the radar-emitting boats—in real time.The scientis福州江滨大道缤纷园入口处,安装了两盏“风光互补”景观节能灯,如图所示,它“头顶”小风扇,“肩扛”太阳能电池板.关于节能灯的设计解释合理的是A. 太阳能电池板是将太阳能转化为电能B. 小风扇是用来给路人吹风的C. 小风扇是风力发电机,将电能转化为机械能D. 蓄电池在夜晚放电时,将电能转化为化学能
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