
We all like to visit friends during Chinese New Year. But what gifts should you give your hosts’ children? The key point to choosing a New Year gift is expressing your wishes to the children, either for their healthy growth or for their cleverness.1Candy Take some candy with you during Chinese New Year, so that you can give some happiness to the kids you come across.2Red Pockets for Children If your Chinese hosts have children, do not forget to prepare some red pockets. Both the hosts and the children would appreciate it if you know the tradition.3School Supplies Visiting your Chinese hosts 下列事实,解释错误的是( )选项事实解释A酒精灯不用时,需用灯帽盖好酒精分子在不断地运动到空气中B厨房洗涤剂可以洗净油污植物油溶解在洗涤剂中C用水银温度计测量体温温度升高原子间间隙变大D金刚石比石墨硬度大碳原子的排列方式不同A.AB.BC.CD.D
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