
What is the probable relationship(关系) between the speakers?A. Classmates. B. A teacher and a student. C. A teacher and a parent. 答案:【答案】C【解析】M: Everybody can hand in the homework on time except Tom. Also, he is sleepy in class.W: Maybe that’s because he stays up late. I’ll ask him to watch less TV and go to bed early. Thank you, Mr. White.下面这首题为《一个七月的黄昏——题李清照》的短诗,其第(二)节六个句子的顺序,排列最恰当的一项是( )(一)                                  (二)一个七月的黄昏                         ① 一抹淡淡的忧伤暮色镀亮弯弯的荷塘                     ② 黄昏的衣裳温婉的女子依窗                         ③ 从指间划过的是低低吟唱                               ④ 一抹淡淡的残阳西阁楼上慵懒的书卷 和                 ⑤ 时光的泪痕呀 沾湿了一抹淡淡的残阳                         ⑥ 从指间划过A.④②⑥③⑤①B.⑥③④⑤②①C.④⑥③①⑤②D.⑥③①⑤②④
英语 试题推荐