
单词拼写(单句首字母填空)【1】You should t________________ up the room before your friends arrive.【2】Remember to b________________ a book to school tomorrow.【3】Money is important in our life, but it isn't e________________.【4】He u________________ makes a plan before he does something.【5】We play games on the p________________.【6】Do you take a s________________ every day?【7】The price(价格)of h________________ is too high, so many people can't buy them.【8】Pink and light blue are s________________ colors.【9】Look at that girl. Her s________________ is v给画线字选择正确的解释并组词造句。     1.堪:①可;能②能忍受    (1)如果不及时采取措施,后果不堪设想。(    )    (2)他衣服破烂不堪。(   )    再用“堪”字组词并造一个句子。 ____________________________________________________________________2.疾:①疾病②痛苦③痛恨④急速;猛烈 (1)对坏人坏事,他疾恶如仇。(   )  (2)他疾步走过去。(   )  再用“疾”字组词并造一个句子。______________________________________________________________________
英语 试题推荐