
Joan and Kate were neighbors.【1】 Joan fussed over(过分担心)her plants and looked after them all day. Kate did what was required but left leaves of plants to grow as they pleased. 【2】 The next morning, Joan found the storm made her plants fall down. Her garden was in a mess. However, Kate found the storm did something bad to her plants, but they were still firmly rooted. The plants of Kate’s had learnt to do things on their own. 【3】 They had grown deep roots, and made a place for themselves in the soil. As a result, they had stood firmly even in the storm. 【4】 She got 分子式为的F有机物广泛用于香精的调香剂.已知:为了合成该物,某实验室的科技人员设计了下列合成路线:试回答下列问题:(1)C物质的官能团名称______ , E物质的结构简式______.(2)A物质的名称__________,1molA与氯气加成后再与氯气取代,整个过程最多需氯气______mol.(3)上述合成路线中属于取代反应的是______ 填编号.(4)反应②的化学方程式为______ .(5)D物质可发生聚合反应,写出D加聚反应产物的结构简式________________
英语 试题推荐