
It has been nearly two months since the first case of novel coronavirus was found in Wuhan. As most people stay at home and many industries delay(延迟) their work, some people worry that this might affect China’s economy.As China Daily reported, the epidemic has directly harmed some of China’s main industries. For example, the tourism industry has been affected, as some foreign countries have set restrictions(限制) to people traveling from China and many airlines have canceled flights to and from China. Also, since many Chinese factories, such as those that make car parts, have delayed自然是人类亲密的家园,当我们聆听自然之声,观赏自然之景时,我们的心灵或变得柔软,或引起震颤。根据要求,回答下列问题。(1)汉语中涉及自然景物的成语很多,比如“春色满园”、“山重水复”、“风起云涌”,请你再写出两个与自然景物有关的成语(不能抄用试卷中出现的成语)。(2)删改句子中画线的部分,使它与前面的句子组成对偶句。清风明月本无价,临近的水渺远的山,皆有情意。改后为:清风明月本无价, 。
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