
完形填空阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 If you've ever been to a foreign country,you will know that fitting in isn't easy. Chances are they will have a 1language and way of life. Here's how to get a basic understanding on things2going to a different country.3 about the country. Get a base of knowledge. Where is the country located?What are their 4foods?If you know someone who has been to the country,5 them to tell you a bit about the country. Try basic phrases. If you do not know h4、洋务运动后期,洋务派打出“求富”的旗号,创办了许多民用工业,这表明洋务派.(    )  A.聚敛财富,搜刮人民的本性      B.增加税收,增强国力的愿望    C.认识深化,弥补军工的不足      D.目标转移,与洋人分利
英语 试题推荐