
One morning when Officer Vogel was having coffee in a restaurant, he saw a little kid__ a car down the street. He felt ____ and jumped into his police car at once. When the car stopped, Vogel find the driver ______ a five-year-old little boy. His name was Rocco. In the back seat was his two-year-old sister. Both of ___ were crying.Then Vogel drove them to the police station _______ called their mother. They asked, “ ___did you get the car keys?” Rocco answered, “From ________ top of the fridge.”At seven at the morning Rocco’s mother was sleeping. Rocco saw the keys _____ his mother语言运用——下列句子标点符号使用正确的一项是 ( )A. 长妈妈生得那么胖,一定很怕热罢,晚上的睡相,怕不见得很好罢?B. “和”并不是善恶不分,是非莫辨,不是简单的混同。正如孔子所说:“君子和而不同。”C. 大陆同胞、台湾、香港、澳门同胞,还有海外侨胞,都是中华民族的子孙。D. 所谓“气象”“神韵”“格调”等……都是文艺作品给予欣赏者的总体感受。 B 【解析】A.“一定很怕热罢”后面的逗号改为问号;C.“大陆同胞”后面的顿号改为逗号;D.删去省略号或“等”。
英语 试题推荐