
My uncle, Mr Smith once told me his story.After leaving school, I went to __________ a job. It was difficult for me to find a job at that time. At last I worked as a waiter in a restaurant.Every day lots of people came and went for food and drink. I would like to __________ you a strange thing that happened in my restaurant that day.This afternoon a poorly dressed gentleman came to my restaurant. __________ knew who he was. After sitting down, he ____________ a lot of food. He ate like a wolf. We wondered( 疑惑) why he was so __________ . We were very surprised that he finished two orders of有一个小学生在中华门城楼游玩,拿出小刀准备在城墙上刻画。 如果当时你恰好在场,你会怎么劝阻他?(2分)
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