
下图是突触的(部分)结构模式图,下列说法正确的是A. 神经递质的释放需要消耗能量,属于主动运输B. 神经递质进入突触后膜后,引起突触后膜的兴奋或抑制C. 神经元轴突末梢多次分支,每个小枝末端膨大,形成突触小体D. ①表示一个神经元的轴突末梢膜,②表示另一个神经元的树突膜或细胞体膜 答案:【答案】C【解析】突触小泡内的神经递质释放的方式是胞吐,需要消耗能量,A错误;神经递质与突触后膜上的受体结合后,引起突触后膜的兴奋或抑制,神经递质不进入细胞内,B错误;神经元轴突末梢多次分支,每个小枝末端膨大,形成突触小体,C正确;②表示一个神经元的轴突末梢膜,①表示另一根据对话内容选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,有两项为多余选项。A:1.B: Tom Sawyer, by the famous American writer, Mark Twain. I’m writing about him for English class.A: I read Tom Sawyer. Very good!Hey, we can find out about him on the Internet.B: Yes! …OK.2. His real name was Samuel Clemens and he was born in 1835 in Missouri He left school and began work at the age of twelve.A:3.B: He wrote for a newspaper. Later he got work on a boat.A:4.B: No, he went to New York, and other cities.A:5.B: I don’t know the exact date. But he took the name Mark Twain and became very famous in the 1860s. He went to Europe as well. But he didn't come to China.A: Yes, I knew that. Enjoy the book.B: Yes, it’s good.A.Look at this!B.When did he begin his stories?C.That’s OK.D.What are you reading?E.Why don’t we go for a swim?F.Did he stay in Missouri?G.What did he do?
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