
动词填空【1】The teacher hopes all the students ___________ ( pass) the mid-term exam.【2】If Suzy ___________ (not be) sure about the time to leave, tell her to call me back.【3】Chinese people __________ always ___________ (worry) about H7N9 bird flu(流感)these days.【4】How long does it take ___________ (fly) to America?【5】---Who ________ (help) the old people clean their flats this weekend? ---We are, sir.【6】It’s raining outside. Why not _____________ (stay) at home and do some reading?【7】Each of the rooms ______________ (have) a new computer in my dream hom下列变化中,前者是物理变化,后者是化学变化的是(  )A.冰雪融化   食物腐烂B.汽油挥发   工业上制取氧气C.酒精燃烧   铁生锈D.水的电解   干冰升华
英语 试题推荐