
下列关于图中四大地理区域民族风情的叙述正确的是( )①甲地区举办那达慕大会②乙地区过年时家家户户做米糕③丙地区迎送宾客献哈达 ④丁地区有端午节赛龙舟活动 A . ①②③ B . ②③④ C . ①③④ D . ①②④ 答案:CListen and fill in the blanks.(听课本第34页的录音,填一填)Dear Daming,Last week we ________ to a children's theatre.The men ________ women's clothes.The women ________ men's clothes.The ________ told lots of jokes.It was very funny.We ________ a lot.English children love the ________.After the ________ we went to a restaurant.We all ________ hamburgers and chips.Are you ready for your ________ to America?From,Lingling
历史与社会 试题推荐