
阅读短文,判断下列句子正误 It's sunny today. We are having a school outing in the park. We bring lots of food and drinks. Tom has some bread and apples. John has some eggs and milk. We sing and dance together. We are very happy. There are many flowers and green trees in the park. There are a lot of birds, too. We have a good time(玩得愉快) today.【1】It's rainy today. (_______)【2】We are in the zoo. (_______)【3】John has some eggs and milk. (_______)【4】There are many pandas in the park. (_______)【5】We are very happy. (_______)要想了解抗日名将李宗仁率领军队英勇抗日的英雄业绩,最好去参观哪一纪念馆A、九一八事变纪念馆B、台儿庄战役纪念馆C、百团大战纪念馆D、平型关大捷纪念馆
英语 试题推荐