
Jack is a high school student. He is seventeen years old. He is in Grade two now. He had a bad stomachache three days ago. He went to see the doctor. The doctor gave him a bottle of medicine.Here are the words on the bottle: Stomachache medicine You must shake (摇晃) the bottle before you take it. You must take it three times a day. You should take it after mealsAgeDose (剂量)More than 16 three teaspoon each time8-15 two teaspoons each time5-7 one teaspoon each time Notes: the children under 4 years old CANNOT take this medicine. Please put it in a dry and cold place. Take it before Oct.31水资源开发利用率是指流域或区域用水量占水资源可利用量的比率。国际上一般认为,一条河流的合理开发限度为40%。而当利用率超过40%时,即表明严重缺水,可能制约经济发展,并导致社会稳定和环境安全问题。据材料回答1~3题。 1、下列关于我国水资源开发的叙述,正确的是 [     ]A、水资源可利用量高于世界平均值B、水资源最紧缺的地区是准噶尔盆地C、解决水资源问题的核心是提高利用率D、解决水资源问题的根本措施是调水2、海河流域水资源开发利用率高于塔里木河流域的原因是 [     ]A、降水总量小B、降水年际变化大C、浪费更严重D、水资源需求量大3、河西走廊水资源开发利用中,违背可持续发展区际公平性原则的是 [     ]A、土壤沙漠化和盐碱化日益加剧B、河流下游水量锐减,甚至断流C、地下水逐渐增加,水循环加快D、植被退化严重,生物多样性减少
英语 试题推荐