
Hello, my name is Liu Jia. I'm 12. I'm in No. 3 Middle School. I have a happy (幸福的) family. My parents, my sister and I are in my family. My father is a computer teacher. His name is Liu Yun. He is a teacher in Yulan Middle School. His telephone number is 628-5469. My mother is a teacher, too. Her name is Li Yang. She teaches in my school. Her telephone number is 628-5587. And my sister's name is Liu Ye. She is nine. She is in a primary school (小学). Her English is good. We have a dog. Its name is Lala. It is black and white. It is my good friend.【1】________ people are in Liu Jia'电视上有某品牌空调的广告,称“好空调,一天只需一度电”,在其它媒体上也有该品牌的广告词,称“xx空调,最低耗电仅相当于一只45W的灯泡”.考虑到空调实际使用情况及估计等因索,你认为这两句广告词体现的内容________(选填“基本一致”或“完全不一致”),因为根据其中信息可以计算出一度电可让该空调运行约________小时(结果保留整数).
英语 试题推荐