
Culture and CuisineThe United States is known for jazz and blue jeans. But travel to Paris and ask your average French citizen about American cuisine (烹饪) and he’s likely to answer, “ McDonalds.” Ask the same thing of any American citizen on any American street and I’m afraid you’d get the same answer, or something close to it.Hamburgers and hotdogs and fries are all fine, but with American malls and other outlets standardizing everything from clothing to food, the sad truth is that American cuisine is becoming more homogeneous―all the same―no matter where you live. True, man 立方烷()具有高度对称性、高致密性、高张力能及高稳定性等特点,因此合成立方烷及其衍生物成为化学界关注的热点。下面是立方烷衍生物Ⅰ的一种合成路线: 回答下列问题: (1)C的结构简式为______________,E的结构简式为______________。 (2)③的反应类型为______________,⑤的反应类型为______________。 (3)化合物A可由环戊烷经三步反应合成: 反应1的试剂与条件为________;反应2的化学方程式为________________________________________;反应3可用的试剂为________。 (4)在I的合成路线中,互为同分异构体的化合物是________(填化合物代号)。 (5)I与碱石灰共热可转化为立方烷。立方烷的核磁共振氢谱中有________个峰。 (6)立方烷经硝化可得到六硝基立方烷,其可能的结构有________种。
英语 试题推荐