
补全对话。Zhang Peng: Wow! So many pictures of bikes!Mr Jones: Yes. 【1】Zhang Peng: Who is your cousin?Mr Jones: The tall boy with a green helmet.Zhang Peng: A helmet? 【2】Mr Jones: In the USA people on bikes must wear one.Zhang Peng: Oh, I see. 【3】Mr Jones: He’s a student. He studies Chinese in Peking University now.Zhang Peng: That’s good. 【4】Mr Jones: No, of course not. 【5】Zhang Peng: Wow. That must be interesting.A.The school is over there.B.What does he do?C.Does he go to school by bike every day?D.They are from my cousin in the USA.E.What’s a helmet?F.He live“这一发现成为20世纪物理学研究的基础,从那个时候起几乎完全决定了物理学的发展。要是没有这一发现,那就不可能建立起分子、原子以及支配它们变化的能量过程的有用理论。”这一发现指的是A.经典力学 B.进化论C.相对论 D.量子论
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