
Many people love eating pancakes.But do you know there is a holiday _______ Pancake Day in England? It _______ many years ago,and it is usually in March.English people usually celebrate the day with fun games .However, the most well-known activity _______ that day is the pancake race.In some villages and towns in England,the pancake race _______ every year. Traditionally ,it was a race for _______ only. There were special rules about the pancake race: Housewives must wear aprons(围裙).They must run about 410 meters. A bell rang _______ before the race started .With the first bell the wom也许你攀登过“一览众山小”的泰山,也许你游玩过那秀丽甲天下的漓江水,也许你曾到过风景迥异的异国他乡;也许你注意过城市的天际线,也许你见过田园牧歌的“世外桃源”,也许你欣赏过傍晚时分老人融于夕阳中的美丽风景……你最喜欢什么样的风景呢?请以“我最钟情的风景”为话题,写一篇不少于600字的文章。
英语 试题推荐