
阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Chinese animators (动画制作人) have been drawing inspiration 【1】 Chinese folk stories and mythology ever since the country’s first animated film, Princess Iron Fan in 1941. In recent years its animated-film industry has witnessed several blockbusters based on classic Chinese tales, among 【2】 Nezha is the subject of the 【3】 (late) hit, which officially opens in cinemas in China on Jul 26.Nezha earns enthusiastic reviews and 【4】 (consider) even better than Monkey King: 平行四边形ABCD的两条对角线AC,BD相交于点O. (1)图中有哪些全等的三角形?有哪些相等的线段? (2)若平行四边形ABCD的周长是20 cm,△AOD的周长比△ABO的周长大6 cm.求AB、AD的长.
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