
单词拼写【1】Their priority is to ensure that their labelling system is reliable and c_________ with earlier publicity.【2】Any history of bombing must also be a history of c__________ deaths, for bombing saves the lives of soldiers at the expense of other lives【3】Many women are faced with the d_______ of choosing between work and family commitments.【4】When travelling in a foreign country, you will need some cash in local c__________, but you can also use your credit card.【5】As you can see from this overview, developing an effective marketing strategy is not always a s_____如图所示,水平地面上有一个圆弧形凹槽,凹槽的水平宽度为D.圆弧的半径为r,已知d<r.在凹槽最低点的正上方有一小球B,在凹槽的最高点处有一小球A,两球都可以看作质点,并且同时从静止开始释放,问B球与凹槽的距离h满足怎样的关系,两球会在凹槽的最低点处相遇.
英语 试题推荐