
BEIJING—Lu Na thinks that the 4,000 yuan ($630) she spent in traveling to the Republic of Korea(ROK) was worth every penny.“Apart from the exotic outfits and tasty kimchi, I really appreciated local people’s friendliness and the convenient language environment there,” said the 27-year-old woman, who traveled to the country in October 2011 and came back with bags of fashionable dresses and cosmetics.“We have provided many services to Chinese visitors, including free transport cards, handbooks for individual tourists, and more liberal visa policies.”“We believe that no country can 读图回答问题.下图是气温年变化曲线和逐月降水量图, (1)气候主要通过 和 反映其特点. (2)图A的气候类型是 气候,其特点是 (3)气候A多分布于中纬地区的大陆 (填“东”或“西”)岸,适宜发展 (填“种植业”或“畜牧业”). (4)B地最高气温在 月,最低气温在 月,判断B地位于 (南、北)半球,气候类型是 气候,其气候特点是 (5)影响气候的因素主要有纬度位置、海陆位置、海拔高度和地形等.图中影响气候B的主要因素是
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