
Time flies. My summer vacation ended in the blink (眨眼)of an eye, _______ one thing is still in my mind. From July 10 to 30, 1 worked as a volunteer at a _________ . I experienced the life of being a panda keeper.My work included cleaning the pandas' home, feeding the pandas and making food for them. The panda I _______ was named Huanhuan. When I went to feed him, he would stand on his two back legs and wait for the _______ . He would quickly pick up the food as soon as I brought _______ to him. Can you guess what would happen next? Huanhuan would lie down and begin to _______ . I could hea某地发现一个历史书籍手抄本,上面有这样一首打油诗:“弟子同心苦用功,遍地草木化成兵,愚蒙之体仙人艺,定灭洋人一扫平。“这首打油诗A.反映了维新变法志士彻底反封建的信心和勇气B.反映了邓世昌等爱国将领消灭日本侵略者的斗志C.反映了林则徐率清军英勇抗击英国侵掠者的决心D.印证了义和团反帝运动过程中的典型口号和特征
英语 试题推荐