
The film Goodbye Mr Loser(《夏洛特烦恼》)has neither a team of shining stars nor a money-consuming publicity campaign to appeal to numerous moviegoers. But __61__ it does have is a bunch of middle-aged actors and actresses pretending to be high school students. Yet _62_ is amazing that the film is funny enough to earn it belly laughs from beginning to end. The movie, just __63_ the title indicates, is about a small fry named Xia Luo, who is merely _64_ loser. He’s down and out with no job, and he lives with his wife in a crowded apartment .In a dream, Xia relives his life with7.假设某种设备使用的年限x(年)与所支出的维修费用y(元)有以下统计资料:使用年限x23456维修费用y24567若由资料知y对x呈线性相关关系.试求:(1)求$\overline x,\overline y$;(2)线性回归方程$\hat y=\hat bx+\hat a$;(3)估计使用10年时,维修费用是多少?(参考公式:$\hat b=\frac{{\sum_{i=1}^n{({x_i}}-\bar x)({y_i}-\bar y)}}{{\sum_{i=1}^n{{{({x_i}-\bar x)}^2}}}}=\frac{{\sum_{i=1}^n{{x_i}{y_i}}-n\bar x\bar y}}{{\sum_{i=1}^n{{x_i}^2-n{{\bar x}^2}}}}$,$\hat a=\bar y-\hat b\bar x$)
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