
听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【1】Why does the man want to rent a car?A.To go to a concert. B.To attend a party. C.To see his girlfriend.【2】What does the word”Porsche”probably refer to?A.A rental agency. B.A car brand. C.The name of a factory.【3】Where did the man once go for renting a car?A.The Benz company. B.The bus station. C.The airport.【4】In which aspect is the man satisfied with the car?A.Its condition. B.Its colour. C.Its speed.“数轴上的点并不都表示有理数,如图中数轴上的点所表示的数是”,这种利用图形直观说明问题的方式体现的数学思想方法叫 [     ]A.代入法B.换元法C.数形结合的思想方法D.分类讨论的思想方法
英语 试题推荐