
阅读图文资料,完成下列要求。材料一:2017年9月《联合国防治荒漠化公约》第十三次缔约方大会在中国内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯市召开。位于其境内北部的库布齐沙漠总面积约1.86万平方公里,是中国第七大沙漠。该地区20世纪90年代之前荒漠化严重,经过近30年治理,已经实现治理面积大于沙化面积,沙漠不再是危害之源。左图为库布齐沙漠位置。材料二:右图为库布齐光伏发电图。光伏板提供清洁能源,光伏板之间栽植着甘草、苜蓿、沙打旺、杨柴等My mother asked me to call my grandmother. What could we possibly have a_______about? Nothing! I just did what she told me and called my grandmother.When she_______the phone, I planned to have a small,10-minute exchange. However, she invited me to lunch at her house so we could_______together. I had to agree._______ hanging up the phone, I regretted (后悔)agreeing to the lunch date on Saturday.Surprisingly, my Saturday morning wasn't_______.I found it was nice to see her. I forgot the time listening to her stories about her recent trip to Europe and her sewing class. I wasn't_______that 60-year-old people had a social life. It turned out that her_______wasn't as mundane(平凡的)as I thought. I was happy to have spent time with her. We planned to meet_______at her house. My mom didn't have to tell me to do that any more.There were two_______ in my mind: What was my grandfather like? What did you do at my age?As we looked through pictures, I was_______.I had never seen, nor imagined, my grandmother as a young girl. She reminded me of myself. I learned that as humans, we_______human experiences, no matter what age.She told me about the time she and her friends went swimming in the lake late at night and the first time she met my_______."You would have loved him. He was the funniest man I'd ever met."We went through three shoeboxes of photographs, each with a_______story.Ever since that_______phone call to my grandmother, we have talked at least once a week. I regret not calling her earlier. She has_______me what can't be learned in a textbook: being open to new things, enjoying the simple things, and enjoying what life has given me. I have gained a new perspective(视角)on life.1.A. chance B. dream C. conversation D. secret2.A. asked B. showed C. heard D. answered3.A. swim B. chat C. shop D. cook4.A. When B. Till C. Before D. After5.A. funny B. special C. boring D. interesting6.A. aware B. sure C. clear D. afraid7.A. wisdom B. life C. strength D. career8.A. too B. again C. then D. once9.A. requirements B. experiences C. suggestions D. questions10.A. tired B. stressed C. surprised D. relaxed11.A. imagine B. share C. improve D. gather12.A. grandmother B. mother C. grandfather D. father13.A. new B. chief C. general D. nice14.A. last B. unexpected C. polite D. helpful15.A. taught B. proved C. asked D. tested
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