
Can We Stop Food Longing Through Imaginary Eating?Are you fighting an urge to reach for chocolate? Then, let it melt in your mind, not in your mouth. According to the recent research, imagining eating a specific food reduces your interest in that food, so you eat less of it.This reaction to repeated exposure to food—being less interested in something because you’ve experienced it too much—is called habituation. 【1】The research is the first to show that habituation can occur through the power of the mind. “If you just think about the food itself—how it tastes and smells—that wil13.读下面这副对联,完成下列各题。诗书传家远   忠孝继世长(1)请用正楷字将这副对联书写一遍。(2)按照传统习惯,对联张贴时,上联应贴在进门的右边。
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