
Imagine that while walking through a park one day, you begin to notice strange things all around you. People in colorful clothes from centuries ago walk on the paths. A magician is doing amazing tricks. Musicians play strange music on strange instruments. Knights on horseback show their skills in riding competitions. The smell of roasting meat begins to make your mouth water. A pleasant voice shouts, “Good morrow!”What is going on? Have you traveled back in time? In a way, yes. You have found yourself in the midst of a Renaissance fair! Since the 1960s, Renaissance fairs have grown in popu把下面的词语补充完整,并选择恰当的填空。恋恋(____)(____) 引人(____)(____) 碧(____)(____)洗筋疲(____)(____) 赏(____)悦(____) 自(____)自(____)1.他从中午一直忙到太阳落山弄得(_________)。2.在北京天堂公园植树的人群里,83岁高龄的邓.小平爷爷格外(__________)。3.公园里绿树成荫,鲜花盛开,令人(_________)。
英语 试题推荐