
下图为甲、乙、丙、丁四地气温和降水资料统计图。读图完成下列各题。 【1】关于四地气候特征的叙述中,正确的是( )A. 甲地,水热条件最为优越 B. 乙地,大陆性气候特征最突出C. 丙地,年降水量最少 D. 丁地,气温年较差最大【2】关于四地气候类型分布的叙述,正确的是( )A. 甲气候类型只出现在亚洲B. 乙气候类型分布在各大洲C. 丙气候类型分布在南、北纬 40°~60°的 大陆西岸D. 丁气候类型分布在南、北纬 30°~40°的 大陆西岸【3】甲、乙、丙、丁Some kids don't use alcohol. If the statistics are correct, about 30 percent of high school seniors don't use alcohol, and an even higher percentage of younger kids are abstinent (节制的). What helps promote abstinence? Research indicates that kids are less likely to engage in under age drinking when some or several of the following conditions exist:1.Role modelling: Parents who do not drink or drink only a little have a stronger influence on their teens and serve as good models.2.Monitoring: Teens who are guided in positive structure of their time and home environment are less likely to be bored and left alone to make their own decisions. High-risk situations are more readily recognized by parents and acted upon before they become serious problem.3.Supervision (管理): Parents who stay actively involved with their children, showing interest in their activities and participate when possible, earn the respect and appreciation of their children. They also understand their children better and can identify danger signals more quickly. 4.Communication: Children benefit from healthy, open communication with their parents and other significant adults. Failure to communicate leaves children isolated. Parents who listen as well as speak――and when they speak, do so with respect and kindness, instead of ordering- -have a stronger rapport (亲善) with their children.5.School support: Failure in school damages self-esteem and is one of the biggest contributors to child delinquency (犯罪). When school administer programmes that are child-sensitive, this helps children to be successful in school. A strength-based approach, gives children a better chance of maintaining interest and motivation.45.Which is NOT the reason of children being away of drinking?       A.Supervision.                                  B.Communication.       C.Good Relationship.                         D.School support.46.Monitoring is important because   ____.       A.teenagers are forbidden to make their own decisions       B.teenagers are seldom left alone to be bored or annoyed       C.parents never allowed teenagers to go high-risk areas       D.problems are usually recognised and solved before they become serious47.We call conclude from the last but one paragraph that ______.A.children who know how to communicate with adults are usually abstinentB.children who fail to communicate with their parents are lonelyC.when communicating with their children, parents should learn to teachD.when communicating with parents, children should learn to listen and obey48.What is the best title for this passage?       A.Tips on How to Educating Children      B.What Helps Promote Abstinence?       C.Drinking is Bad for Your Children        D.Better to Prevent Children From Drinking
地理 试题推荐