
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Daytime ban on outdoor exerciseParis has banned all outdoor exercise 【1】 10 am and 7 pm in a tightening of containment 【2】(measure) aimed at preventing the spread of coronavirus (新冠肺炎). French authorities issued a 【3】 (state) warning anyone 【4】 (catch) jogging or exercising in public from Wednesday during those hours will face fines of between €135 and €375.“It is through responsibility, self-regulation and collective discipline 【5】 Parisians will best help health wor近代百年以来的中国,经历沧桑巨变,其中包含了屈辱、奋斗、理想、复兴和担当。结合所学回答:(1)第二次鸦片战争爆发后,哪一国家通过不平等条约侵占我国领土达150多万平方千米?20世纪的元年,在捍卫中国尊严的天津保卫战中牺牲的清军将领是谁?(2)新中国成立后,从根本上消灭了封建剥削制度的是哪一历史运动?抗美援朝战争对中国的民族自信和国家形象有何影响?(3)21世纪初中国加入世界贸易组织,加入这一组织对中国发展有何影响?党的十八大为2021年的中国提出了怎样的奋斗目标?
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