
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Two weeks ago, I helped my dear Joan, one of my close friends 【1】 just graduated, move out of her apartment. We decided 【2】 (have)a nice dinner before she moved back to her hometown 400 miles away, but being the caring person she is, she had offered her time to help her friends move during dinner, even though she 【3】 (her)needed to pack and donate things.She isn’t usually one to ask 【4】 help, so I knew that I had to offer my time and energy with 【5】 (determine) if I was going to 多选2007年3月17日,广东省安监局原副局长胡某因收受矿主曾某贿赂,违规发证,间接造成兴宁特大矿难,被法院以受贿罪判处有期徒刑5年,并处没收财产5万元。这体现了A.法律是靠国家强制力保证实施B.法律具有制裁功能C.严厉惩处腐败犯罪分子,是维护社会正义的需要D.法律对全体社会成员具有普遍的约束力
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