
根据文章内容,从下框A-F选项中选出能概括每一段主题的最佳选项。A. Pay attention to key words and indicators.B. Make your own learning plan.C. Study a little bit earlier.D. Give yourself plenty of time.E. Don't study the things you know well.F. Work hard in class.The best study tips to help you pass examsCramming(突击式学习) doesn't work. If you start to study for weeks ahead, you will have plenty of time to read everything. It also gives you enough time to ask questions about anything you don't fully understand. How many pages in total do you have to study? How某中学文学社举办《红楼梦》读书交流会,主题是“《红楼梦》诗词鉴赏”,请为主持人写一则开场白。要求:①必须使用《红楼梦》中的诗词或与之相关的诗句;②表达得体,富有文采;③不写称呼语、问候语;④60字左右。 答:________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
英语 试题推荐