
It was a dark night. Thick, dark, gray clouds had made sure that there was no starlight or moonlight to _______ me as I walked out on my porch. Still, I kept the porch light off because I didn’t want to be _______ by bugs and moths on this _______ summer evening. I stood there for a while letting my eyes adjust to the lack of _______.It was then, though, that I saw them. First one blink of light at the far end of the meadow followed by another and then another. I _______. I recognized them at once as my firefly(萤火虫) _______, my lightning bug buddies who always _______ this time of the 热熔胶在室温下为固体,加热到一定程度时变为较强粘性的液体,冷却后,将物体牢牢地粘在一起.如图甲是热熔胶枪的外形,其内部有2只相同的PTC加热元件,电路如图乙.单只PTC元件的电阻与温度的变化如图丙所示.扣动扳机能使固体胶条向前挤压,联动开关S同时倒向A、B,枪口冒出胶液,松开扳机S同时倒向B、C.(1)松开扳机时为预热状态,当温度为80℃时,电路中的电流是多少?(2)当温度为180℃时,胶液有最佳粘性,已知一根胶条的质量为40g,若熔化1kg胶需要吸收6.0×105J热量,试计算在正常情况下使用完一根胶条至少要多长时间?(3)试根据PTC特性定性分析该装置能使温度稳定在180℃附近的道理.
英语 试题推荐