
The Renaissance marks a period of human awakening. In this article we are going to explore the inventions during this period which have helped change the life and progress of mankind.ClockThe first mechanical clock was invented in the early 1300’s. Galileo, an Italian scientist, discovered the pendulum (钟摆) around 1602. The pendulum greatly improved the movement of the hands of a clock. The average error with the pendulum varied only by seconds each day. Before this the error was from 10 to 15 minutes a day.EyeglassesIn the late thirteenth century, paintings first appeared with people we阅读下面两首诗,完成后面题目。(8分) 题乌江亭 杜牧 胜败兵家事不期,包羞忍耻是男儿。 江东子弟多才俊,卷土重来未可知。 乌江亭 王安石 百战疲劳壮士哀,中原一战势难回。 江东子弟今虽在,肯与君王卷土来。 22.这二首诗借对项羽的评价分别表达了什么观点? (4分) 23.两首诗都是针对同一历史事件所写的咏史之作,其议论不落窠臼又各具特色,但都能言之成理。你认为哪一首更好,为什么?(4分)
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