
This spring, in Montreal, a box appeared on a fence beside a popular walking path. It was _________white with black lettering reading: “Box for _______ or suggestions for the universe. All topics _______________.”Francois, 38, has lived in Montreal for two decades. He says, “During the outbreak of COVID-19, people had things they needed to _________. And I wanted to offer them a _______ way to express them than on social media. It stays _______, kind of a mystery. So, people don’t address a person, they really address the box.”He says he has _______ about 300 notes in all. The main _如图A、B是4×5网格中的每个小正方形边长为1,请在图中清晰标出使以A、B、C为顶点的三角形是等腰三角形的所有格点C的位置.
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