
Jasmine and Beth Thomson are sisters but they’re very different. Pale-skinned Jasmine has got long, white hair and white eyebrows. _______, her sister, Beth, is dark-haired and her skin is also quite dark. When you're a person with albinism(白化病) like Jasmine, people sometimes aren’t very nice. But Jasmine is always a _______ and confident person.When they walk down the street, some people _______ Jasmine strangely, and one or two make comments, but Jasmine doesn't react _______. People sometimes say bad things, she says. Often this is because they are actually a bit afraid of ______ 下面是傅雷《给傅聪的信》中的一段话,请用一句话概括傅雷的观点。 关于莫扎特的曲,例如说它天真、可爱、清新等等,似乎很多人懂得;但弹起来还是没有那天真、可爱、清新的味儿。这道理,我觉得是“理性认识”与“感情深入”的分别。感性认识固然是初步印象,是大概的认识;理性认识是深入一步,了解到本质。但是艺术的领会,还不能以此为限。必须再深入进去,把理性所认识的,用心灵去体会,才能使原作者的悲欢喜怒化为你自己的悲欢喜怒,使原作者每一根神经的震颤都在你的神经上引起反响。否则即使道理说了一大堆,仍然是隔了一层。一般艺术家的偏于intellectual(理智),偏于cold(冷静),就因为他们停留在理性认识的阶段上。 傅雷的观点:(不超过40个字)
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