
Welcome To Smart Final Of Industry StoreComplete our customer survey and to win a $500 Cash CardPlease visit http://www.smartandfinal.com/surveyEnter code 112201 with 5 days of this shop!BUD Beer 12PK Can 10.99+ CRV ,60Fiji Water 2.15+ CRV ,60Gatorade Orange Juice ,99+CRV ,60Strawberry Ice-cream 2.49Was $3.49/YOU SAVED $1.00Green Seedless 1.99TOTAL 20.45CASH TENDER 20.45THANK YOU FOR SHOPPINGSTORE MANAGER: JOHN BAUTISTA(626)965-0485(CRV: California Redemption Value加州废瓶回收价)【1】How many things were bought?A.5 B.6 C.10 D.11【2】What are not mentioned in this passage?A.The pho如图表示人体血糖调节的部分过程,其中X、Y、Z表示相关组织,a、b、c表示X、Y、Z的分泌物,①至④表示生理过程.下列说法中正确的是(  ) A、过程①、④均属于神经调节B、c与b在功能上有着拮抗关系C、②、③属于反馈调节D、X是胰岛A细胞,Y是胰岛B细胞,Z是肾上腺
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