
I have been dreaming of visiting America since I was a little girl. So when I got on the plane to America ____ January 22, I was very excited.We first arrived in New York and then Los Angeles with my parents. Los Angeles is the second ____ city in America.Our trip began in Disneyland. The park has many cartoon characters. ____ Snow White, Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck made by Wait Disney. a ____ man. The ride on the roller coaster(过山车) was really fantastic! I liked the lovely Ghost House(鬼屋) best ____ it was exciting and it was not scary at all. And workers there organized us so我国幅员辽阔,各地区自然和社会经济差异显著。下图是“我国三个经济地带的划分图” 和“部分典型动物、传统民居的分布图”。读图,完成下列各题。【1】关于三大经济地带的叙述正确的是A. 经济地带的划分有明确的分界线B. 每个经济地带内部特定性质绝对一致C. 贵州省地处中部经济地带D. 三大经济地带的发展有相互影响【2】图中典型动物、传统民居的分布从侧面反映出形成我国三大自然区域差异的基本因素A. 土壤和植被B. 气候和地形C. 水文和土壤D. 植被和水文【3】我国政府为推动东西部协调发展,采取的主要措施是①只给予西部大量的财政补贴②增加对西部基础设施的投资③保护西部的工业产品不受外部产品的竞争影响④发挥地区优势,鼓励西部积极引进人才A. ①③B. ②④C. ③④D. ①②
英语 试题推荐