
I must say I have a bad habit(习惯). I don't quite know why, but for some reason, I just can't stop picking(扯) at my lips(嘴唇) . It doesn't matter if I'm stressed out(有压力的), bored, or nervous(紧张的)... I just find myself tearing(撕) little bits of skin(皮肤) off my lips.It's not a fun habit. In fact, it hurts(疼) quite a bit. My lips are often bleeding(流血的) because I pick at them so much. But I just can't stop. You might ask -- why would I put myself through such pain(疼痛) ?In fact, many of us harm(伤害) ourselves in little ways such as this. Some people choos.下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一组是 A.踯躅      切蹉     邮戳      义愤填膺 B.诬蔑      脉搏     繁芜      原形必露    C.敷衍      桀骜     赋予      图穷匕见 D.颓圮      婆娑     杂揉      浅尝辄止
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