
It's now time to get dressed for the Central Missouri Renaissance Festival 10 a. m. to 6 p.m., October 19-20, in Kingdom City.The festival is in its 15th year and its footprint at its location at 4274 County Road 220 has grown in the past six years, said Kevin Briscoe, festival casting director and board of directors member.When I first started at the fair years ago it was just tiny,” Briscoe said. “The acts were more localized and now we see some nationally recognized acts, and we have probably three times the size of the original grounds. We're starting to see permanent shopping structur对于健康人来说,避免得传染病的最积极的方法是(  )A.远离传染病患者B.注意环境和个人卫生C.预防接种,提高免疫力D.加强锻炼,提高抵抗力
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