
Does the fear of public speaking bring you to your knees? You're not ______. I can't wait to ______ this stage,” you say to yourself. I just want to run and hide. This is not going ______. That is exactly what those with a fear of public speaking are ______.This fear of public speaking is a type of social anxiety disorder. People with social anxiety disorder in general find ______ a social situation to be a matter of great concern. They ______ that actions or behaviors associated with their ______ will be negatively(负面地) evaluated by others, leading them to feel ______. This worry ofte黄豆和牛奶中含有丰富的钙、蛋白质、脂肪和糖类等营养成分.教育部号召大力开展“豆奶工程”的主要意义是促进全民族特别是青少年身体素质的提高.分析回答:(1)黄豆、牛奶中的有机物直接或间接来源于绿色植物的________,绿色植物进行该生理过程的反应式是________.(2)钙是构成人体骨骼和牙齿的重要成分,人体消化道中吸收钙的主要场所是________;黄豆、牛奶中的蛋白质只有被消化分解成________才能被人体吸收.(3)合格奶粉中不含植物淀粉,一些不法商贩为了牟取暴利在奶粉中掺上大量植物淀粉进行出售,如何鉴别这些奶粉中掺有植物淀粉?________.
英语 试题推荐