
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Petrarch or Francesco Petrarca, 【1】 lived in Renaissance Italy, was an Italian scholar, poet and humanist. He is 【2】 (common) considered as one of the finest minds of his time and is often called the Father of Humanism.Petrarch was born in 1304 in the city of Arezzo in Italy. Petrarch's father followed in the profession of law and it was at his insistence that Petrarch studied law. However, his interest was in Latin literature and he wanted 【3】 (become) a writer. He considered the time he 如图,已知直线l:x=my+1过椭圆的右焦点F,抛物线:的焦点为椭圆C的上顶点,且直线l交椭圆C于A、B两点,点A、F、B在直线g:x=4上的射影依次为点D、K、E.(1)椭圆C的方程;(2)直线l交y轴于点M,且,当m变化时,探求λ1+λ2的值是否为定值?若是,求出λ1+λ2的值,否则,说明理由;(3)接AE、BD,试证明当m变化时,直线AE与BD相交于定点.
英语 试题推荐